Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lab 3
1. A Data Model is a set of rules/constructs used to describe and represent aspects of the real world in a computer.  The two most common types are Raster and Vector.
2. Topology is the study of geometric properties that do not change when the forms are bent, stretched or undergo similar geometric transformations.  It is important because it captures and records the relationships between features.
3.  A Raster data model would be better for representing a hillside slope because it can more accurately represent continuous areas.
4.  Each cell can only hold one spatial detail value, for example a minimum line width is one cell.
5.  The four types of attribute data are: Nominal, ex. soil type.  Ordinal, ex. erosion class value.  Interval and Ratio, ex.  area or length of erosion site.
6.  Two types of vector data file formats are shapefiles and coverages.
7.  Two types of raster data file formats are grids and images like jpegs.
8.  You can not select features in ArcCatalog.
9.  The World.mdb contains 4 feature classes.
10.  The feature classes in World.mdb are, cities, countries, disapp_area and world30.
11.  The flight_path.lyr file refrences a shapefile.
12.  To add data to ArcMap you can open it from ArcCatalo with a data file or click add drag.
13.  I thinks there are 699 features in dissap_area, you can get the info from AcrCatalog by looking at the metadata.

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