Monday, November 8, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lab 9a part 1
1. Spatial scope is the extent or area of the input data that are used in determining the values at output locations.  The three types are local, neighborhood and global operation.
2.  The 2 types of algebra used are set algebra and Boolean algebra.  Set algebra uses <>, <, > or =.  ex:  Pop. density<100 per sq mile.  Boolean algebra uses and, or, not, etc.  ex:  Los Angeles and Sacramento not San Francisco.
3.  Different types of spatial selection ops. are dissolve, spatial join, intersect overlay, union overlay, clip overlay, and buffer.

Part 2
4. yes
5.  ptdume-quad, wetlands, vegitation and wetlands project.
6.  10896
7.  8
8.  9
9.  404
10. 123

This may not look right, I was having trouble with the last select by location part.  It kept coming up with error signs.